Sunday 24 July 2011


work was pretty quiet this week. did a few bits of work but it was a slow week, but i am not complaining. i still get paid and there are a million worse things to do, than sit in a nice office, get given free lunches, not have your boss constantly standing over your shoulder.

nothing much else happening. just work and home and gym. weather has been terrible, even by the low standards we have for summer in london. showery, dark, cloudy and cold. i was walking to the station the other day after work, and it looked exactly like a dark november day with winter closing in. its been like that pretty much the whole of july, but today is the first day we have had blue skies and sun, this month. god, the sky looks beautiful in crystal clear blue. i had got used to it being a dirty grey colour.

watched the end of the tour de france. cavendish beat everyone on the champs elysee again, and although i was rooting for andy schleck, i cant begrudge cadel evans winning the tour. he might not be the most elegant cyclist, but he is a fighter and you have to respect that. andy will have his day one day, but cadel was awesome in the time trial yesterday. that was a champions ride and he also fought hard in the mountains. maximum respect to cadel.

am out in shoreditch on thursday night meeting up with some friends, so no football this week for me. i think its been cancelled anyway because a few of the other guys cant make it either. i should be seeing my friend who went to LA for 6 weeks, and will probably start feeling very jealous. actually its going to hit me hard in september when i am accustomed to being in warm southern californian sunshine for a week, but instead i will be stood in a crowded train making my way to work in shitty weather for the whole of this september. bring on january. have an idea to maybe go to portugal with a friend of mine who wants to watch some football, but most of my friends are useless so i am sure he will back out when i book it, and i will end up going to so-cal for a week.

a friend of mine wrote on facebook about amy winehouse dieing yesterday. as you know, i am her biggest fan, not!, but people passing away is always sad. anyways, i also noticed that he hadn't said anything about 84 kids massacred in norway, the day before. i didnt write anything on his facebook, but if you ever needed an example of how shallow and celebrity obsessed some people are, i thought that summed it up. winehouse had money and resources and people that were trying to help, unsuccessfully, to save her life, and yet it seemed she was reluctant to go to rehab and get herself sorted out. she had the chance of some help. there was no one to help those kids on that island, and yet they are not worth writing about on facebook, but winehouse is. everyone has their own priorities i guess, and their own audience they are playing to. maybe norweigan youngsters aren't as cool or talented, and so not worth mentioning or being associated with.

if it had been my most favourite footballer or music artist, i dont think it can compare to the tragedy in norway, and i was a teenager once and i can remember being out with my friends and for them to have their lives cut short like that is a bigger tragedy than if it happens to people that are older. their whole lives ahead of them and a future yet to be lived and fulfilled, taken away, for no reason and through not fault of their own. if i had died when i was 16, i would have missed out on so much that i have done since.

today i have mostly been listening to elbow - lippy kids. a lovely song about being a teenager. this is for the kids that passed in norway. the loss to their families and friends is unimaginable.

1 comment:

Vanessa said...

What happened in Norway is disgusting...and I too also noticed zero comments about it on facebook but lots of comments about Amy....maybe no one knows what to say?