Saturday 13 October 2012

long night of life

got a call and will probably have an interview some time this week at a large publishing company. will see how it goes. also one or two other things on the go at the moment so maybe one of them will come through as well. would be good to get something even if its short term just to get me through to the end of 2012. 

have been training hard at the gym and because we have started playing football on a wednesday night on a big pitch instead of our usual 5-a-side pitches i did a bit of running at the gym after my normal work out and to go with the cycling. i need to be able to run a lot on a big pitch. speaking of cycling, the last couple of times i have cycled to the gym i have come across, what i can only accurately describe at complete fucking cunt bastards. these cunt bastards are exclusively driving taxis or white vans and are cockney wankers. 

some guy in a white van came charging up behind me today, beeped at me and then cut straight across my path. i had seen him at the traffic lights about 10 seconds earlier and i remember thinking he looked like like jabba the hut, only fatter and sweatier and more of a fucktard, and then 10 seconds later he proved it. he was probably 5 seconds late for dinner and thats an emergency for a 22 stone cockney wanker. i shouted an obsenity at him and at one stage it crossed my mind what i would do if he stopped his van and got out. 

because he was a cockney wanker he would probably fancy himself in a fight, but i wasn't worried because i do boxing at the gym and regularly do 3 rounds on the bag to build up speed and accuracy and there is no way in hell i would get my ass kicked by someone who has spent their entire adult life consuming triple the daily recommended calorie intake for an adult male and someone who was so fat they havent seen their own dick in decades. 

no, i was worried that if he did fancy himself as rocky, he might actually have a coronary and keel over and die on me in the middle of the road. he probably thought the same thing because he drove away. 

too many idiots driving around in london. maybe its the same in LA, but i didnt really too much of it and everyone seemed to be chilled. god i hate it here. london is so shit and especially so as we slide into winter. long dark nights and dark overcast days. even if there weren't cockney cunt bastards driving white vans, it would be grim. 

met up with a few of the guys i worked with at the hedge fund last year. they all seem well. lots of changes going on at the hedge fund and one of the managers got made redundant. hope he did what i did and saved his money and didnt have a big car and a big mortgage, but i doubt it. one of the guys i met just bought a new audi and is paying 550/month for the next 4 years to pay it off, as well as trading in his old audi. people who work in hedge funds and investment banks need to realise its a bubble and not connected with reality compared to how most other people live. i can remember having some good months were you would earn £10 -12,000 in a month for a few months in a row, but i always tried to remind myself it was not something i should get to used to.they also need to remember that nothing lasts forever and sometimes unexpected shit happens, or as in my case you tell them to keep their 10 grand a month because you think you are better than their boring job, :-). 

today i have mostly been listening to dan le sac - long night of life. wicked tune.  

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